Explore the innovations and inventions that the Mesopotamians used to improve daily life.
The most important invention was the writing that the Mesopatamians created. Writing was first used by the Sumerians to record different kinds of information. The Mesopotamians used a clay tablet to write on and a wedged-shaped tool to write with. They wrote their words based on pictures, this is called ‘pictogram’. Over time the original ‘pictograms’ evolved and developed into what we now call ‘cuneiform’ which is Latin for wedge-shaped. The cuneiform was passed down and was used by scribes from Sumer, Akkadian, Babylon and Elam . Scribes used writing to record daily events, trade, astronomy and literature.
Based on writings from the Mesopotamians, they were the first people to invent and use the wheel. The Mesopotamians first used it as the potter’s wheel to make better pottery but later on they were found on Chariots. Chariots helped farmers, builders and tradesmen to get to places faster, also Chariots were a great help in wars, often aiding them into victory.